Partnership Projects

Partnership Projects

We work with various nonprofits, civil society organisations, government agencies, social enterprises and corporates –

to create a greater impact in our community and to advocate for, and to bring the rights of our children to the forefront.



UNICEF’s Young Leaders Programme 2021

Young Leaders Programme is a platform gathering young passionate people in Malaysia and to form a fellowship of young leaders to look into current issues pertaining young people and possibly looking into problem solving through educating awareness, partnerships and policy making.


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#StandTogether campaign: Kindness Leaders Conference 2021

#StandTogether is a campaign to call for a national kindness and bullying prevention week in all Malaysian schools. In February 2021, UNICEF in partnership with Childline Fouundation organised its inaugural virtual Kindness Leaders Conference as part of the #StandTogether campaign initiative. UNICEF regional ambassador Siwon Choi also made a special appearance on a Zoom call with the conference participants.




Petaling Jaya Child Council (PJCC), 2019 – Present

MBPJ in Collaboration with Yayasan Pendidikan Maidam (YPM) and UNICEF Malaysia launched Malaysia’s first Municipal led Child Council, namely Petaling Jaya Child Council, PJCC. The council is formed by a diverse group of 32 children below age of 18 from all over Petaling Jaya. The group will be providing input to municipal council decision-making from the perspectives of children. In the long run, MBPJ aims to be the first Child Friendly City in Malaysia, inspiring more cities across Malaysia to be an inclusive for all children.




SDG Summit 2019

In alignment to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the SDG Bootcamp and Forum was designed to initiate dialogue between children and adults in regards to 4 main goals: Zero Poverty, Good Health and Well Being, Quality Education and Climate Action. Over 3 days, an inclusively represented group of Malaysian adolescents gathered to brainstorm on issues related to the 4 SDG Goals and ideated solutions both children and adults can take to affect change. The Forum consisted of these adolescents presenting and discussing their findings with adult participants from the SDG Summit 2019.



Situational Analysis (SITAN) in East Malaysia 2019

A situational analysis (SITAN) was conducted amongst east Malaysian adolescents in regards to six priority issues namely bullying, sex education, nutrition, education, climate change and mental health. The goal of SITAN was to increase child participation on these key issues affecting children and to create avenue for brainstorming and solution making on the issues highlighted. Based on the Socio-Ecological Model (SEM) for social change, participating adolescents ideated issues and solutions at the individual, interpersonal, community, organisational & governmental levels.


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Child Passenger Safety Campaign (BMW Safety 360°), 2019

Children car seat is recently made mandatory in Malaysia for all families with children age 7 & below. However, purchasing a car seat can be an extra burden to many B40 families in Malaysia. With children’s safety in mind, YPMGlobal in collaboration with BMW, Safe ‘N Sound and Shopee Malaysia started a subsidy campaign, allowing families with financial constraints to purchase a car seat at a discounted rate. Now families in need can own a car seat affordably without compromising their children’s safety.


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NGO Status Report On Child Rights 2018

Yayasan Pendidikan Maidam (YPM) is a member of the Child Rights Coalition Malaysia (CRCM) which restarted its work on the 3rd NGO Status Report on Child Rights for 2018. The 1st and 2nd NGO Status Report was in 2012 and 2013 respectively.

The core NGO members of CRCM worked on a voluntary basis over the last year and are keen to have it launched and published before the end of the year in conjunction with the Anniversary of the CRC and in anticipation of the Government’s CRC Report being released soon, keeping in mind Malaysia’s last and only Report was in 2006. As a party to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 (CRC), Malaysia is obligated to prepare regular reports for the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

This 2018 NGO Status Report will provide a starting point for CRCM to engage with more NGOS in order to work towards a more comprehensive and inclusive Status Report for 2019. CRCM is keen to mainstream the indivisibility of human rights while respecting children as human rights defenders.

We hope that the handover of the NGO Report on 20th December 2019 to the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development will  provide some pressure on the Government to fulfil their commitment to uphold the rights of all children in Malaysia.