
Our Work

The following is a list of the programs and training that we provide.

CRC & CPP Training (Adults)

CRC & CPP Training (Adults)

S.C.A.R.S. (Stop Child Abuse & Raise Superheroes)

S.C.A.R.S. (Stop Child Abuse & Raise Superheroes)

Safeguarding Children From Abuse

Safeguarding Children From Abuse

Shoot From The Heart (Ages 11-17)

Shoot From The Heart (Ages 11-17)

Write to us…

Email us at [email protected] to find out more about the programs that best suit your interest or needs. We are looking for partner organisations, community leaders and individuals who are keen to explore potential collaboration with us.

Training & Programs

CRC & CPP Training (Adults): Training programs on the ‘Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989’, on the development of a Child Protection Policy, and on Child Rights and Business Principles.

S.C.A.R.S. (Children): A child-led educational program called ‘Stop Child Abuse & Raise Superheroes (SCARS)’. The objective of this workshop is to equip child participants with the knowledge and practical skills on child abuse prevention and the process to report abuse if they have experienced or witnessed abuse that had taken place.

Shoot From The Heart (Children ages: 11 – 17): A program in partnership with Heart Shots. This is a creative and interactive program to teach creativity, basics of photography and visual storytelling.


Mental Health Wellbeing & Psycho-Social Support Services for Children

Ages 3 – 17

We will be offering these support services (e.g. play therapy, expressive art therapy, expressive art programs, counselling, etc.) that would be extended to children and their families at a fully sponsored or partially subsidised fee. If you’re a qualified mental health professional and keen to offer your services at subsidised rates or pro-bono, please send an email to Datin P. H. Wong, our Executive Director, at [email protected].